Saturday, February 5, 2011


Trouble with a capital "T" and that ryhmes with... well actually it does not rhyme with it--dogs and cars...
Yesterday I hit a pot-hole and messed up the front passenger-side tire on my car. That meant a second trip to the dealership this week. Again my entire Friday afternoon got rearranged. They are really getting friendly with me at the dealership. I'm praying right now my tire is covered by warranty so it costs around $150 rather than $400.
So I have officially been unemployed for a little over a month. I'm not enjoying it. I like having free time, but I hate not having the money to do things. The one upside to being unemployed is I have plenty of time to spend with my new dog Wylie.
Believe me, he needs the attention. I'm also beginning to understand why I never had a boy dog before. Wylie likes to do boy stuff--chew up the blue New York Times newspaper wrapper, mark the house (only in one place, the same every time), and growl at the postal delivery woman. I've tried several cleaners to get the smell out without much luck. I was using Kids and Pets, but I have not been able to find it in any stores recently. I'm about to break down and order a case online.
Wylie has brought joy to Greg and I though. He is sweet, funny and loves his squeaky toys.
I am hoping I'll get a new job soon. It is really hard not being able to contribute to our income. It is hard to go far on one income in Washington, DC.

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